Three years ago, Jenny Murdoch learnt to make her first kokedama – plants wrapped in moss balls.
At first, Jenny’s interest in kokedamas was just for fun. “I come from a design background. I love to craft and I love plants as well. When I made kokedamas, it just kind of felt right. It made me feel peaceful,” smiles Jenny.
Within a year of her first workshop, she had turned her hobby into a home-based business called Entangled Kokedamas.
She started selling her kokedamas at local markets. Then stockists began approaching her, customers asked about classes, and wholesalers requested bulk shipments of her mossy creations.
Before long, she outgrew her home set-up.
“I started dreaming about what would happen if I could have a dedicated space for plants, all my tools and equipment for making kokedamas, and to be able to start running workshops.”
As the westside local drove down Ashley Street, she noticed that a shopfront was available for lease. On inspection, she was immediately inspired. “I thought, wow, this a really nice space, a cozy little place that has so much potential where it is.”
She opened Entangled Studio in West Footscray during a hiatus from the COVID lockdowns, selling out of kokedamas weekly while transforming the space into a plant sanctuary with potted plants, planters and curated botanical goods.
Now that lockdowns are over, Jenny’s workshops are in full swing. During school holidays they run children’s workshops where kids make grass heads and mini kokedamas. Adult kokedama workshops are popular too.
For Jenny, Entangled Studio is all about sharing her love of plants and crafting. Her future plans revolve around sharing this love with the next generation. “I’m very passionate about kids. So I really want kids to get hands-on with plants and start to appreciate them,” said Jenny.
“When it comes down to it, I don’t want Entangled Studio to just be a plant store. I want people to come in and be able to learn something, grow through the process and connect with local makers and other people over a mutual appreciation for plants. To create a beautiful ‘tangle’ of camaraderie and community.”
For more information on Entangled Studio visit the directory listing.